Friday, January 25, 2013

365 01/25

something blue. along side of something borrowed, something old, and something new, it is supposed to bring you luck on you wedding day. i've always understood that something old represented your past, something new represented your future, and something borrowed represented support from your loved ones. but why something blue? what does blue mean in this rhyme?

blue has been connected to weddings for years. because the Virgin Mary was always depicted in blue, it was said that the color was a symbol of purity and fidelity. it became a popular wedding dress color up until the early 19th century. "marry in blue, lover be true" is another popular wedding proverb.

my something blue was my shoes. i searched long and hard for a pair that fit my style. this light blue pair with a fabric flower did the trick. 

just for fun, i thought i'd share the rest of my good luck pieces. a bracelet i bought for myself when i graduated college served as my something old, a reminder that i could accomplish anything i set my mind to. KJB surprised me with a strand of pearls on the wedding day which was my something new. in my pockets i carried two hankies, one borrowed from my mom that had belonged to my great-grandmother and one borrowed from my aunt that had been passed down as a wedding hankie in her family for years.

what was your something blue on your wedding day?

all photos via meredith rogers.