Wednesday, January 28, 2015

weekly truth

We need goals to push ourselves. Lately I've allowed myself to slack off on regularly scheduled blog posts, and while I think it's okay not to overwhelm ourselves with unnecessary work, it's also important to set goals. Which is what this post is all about. I've missed working on weekly truths, getting into the Word, and playing with lettering. So I'm setting a goal to post weekly truths ever week. Help me be accountable, friends!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Can I tell you something: The Hard Questions

"When are you getting engaged?"

"Are you going to get married?"

"When are you going to buy a house?"

"When will you guys have children?"

"Do you have a boy/girlfriend yet?"

"When will you start trying for more children?"

"Do you really like working there?"

"Are you going to try for a boy/girl this time?"

Seemingly innocent questions. All of them. But do you know what I hear when I'm asked the questions I consider hard? I hear, 'your life isn't awesome until you have a spouse/an awesome job/children/more children/insert suggestion here.'

"The truth is, sometimes we ask a question that is the exact question 
that can make someones heart bleed."

Am I being too sensitive? Maybe. Are they being impassive? Maybe; and maybe it's a little bit of both. The truth is, sometimes we ask a question that is the exact question that can make someones heart bleed. If you haven't been privy to the information you're asking, quite frankly, it's probably none of your business. Otherwise, I would have come to you to vent, to ask advice, or just generally share my heart.

If you ask a 30-something woman who has never been married when she's going to settle down, don't you think she's had some pretty rough moments wondering the same thing? Or asking a couple when they are going to have children, not knowing they have just found out that they physically can't. Or telling a friend who is struggling to have financial comfort that they work too much. Or assuming that a houseful of boys isn't good enough for a mom and that of course she wants a girl.

I don't share all my struggles with the world, because I like to remind myself of the most important blessing I have. That I have a God that loves me so much that He sent His son to die for me. And that because I have accepted His love, He gave me the responsibility to help others realize it. I want to focus on that; not the fact that life may not be going the way I hoped.

In addition to that, talking about the hard stuff is, well, hard. There's a reason we don't openly talk about the stuff that weighs on us. It's stressful and difficult and we only want to share it with those that can help us through it.

Let's collectively work on being more cautious when we are meeting up with old friends or chatting with relatives at a family reunion. Instead of pushing our questions, let's take care of them, pray, and be sensitive to them. Let's look out for each other's hearts. Let's love each other deeply.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

meet Kohen Alan

A new nephew arrived over the weekend, and he is just the sweetest little thing. I had to bring him his first birthday cake, which was actually a cookie cake covered in delicious chocolate frosting, because it's become a bit of a tradition. Can't wait to watch this little one grow!

Monday, January 5, 2015

One Word for 2015

2015. Wow. Can you believe that number is even a year? It seems so strange to me. One thing I know though, 2015 is going to be a year unlike any other.

In the past when I've considered what my goals are for the upcoming year, I've always looked internally: making decisions for my life, my family, me and mine. Even last year, with my goal of being intentional, it was all about how I was spending MY time.

After a lot of prayer, it's been determined that 2015 will be my year for showing others love. God has this amazing love for all of us, and so many people don't realize that. By loving on others, I hope to give them just a little glimpse of what that love looks like.

2015 is the year to outpour. Resources, time, and love - all gifts from God - shared through me to the people that God loves.

By focusing on this word, I'll be reminded of the many blessings I've received in my life and the fact that I need to pass those blessings along.

Have you selected a word for the year? Goals or resolutions? I'd love to hear what they are.