Friday, March 30, 2012


today is my mama's birthday! happy birthday, mama! found all these images via domestic reflections and couldn't help but smile.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

he's goooood

i found this photo on pinterest (originally from this site) a super long time ago and it reminded me of that darling little movie called UP! i was inspired to incorporate it into my wedding as sort of a "send off" into this next phase of our life. but i wanted it more personalized so i passed it off to my dad who created this splendid image below. he did a great job, don't ya think? i can't wait to share with y'all the awesomeness that will come of this image... we are under the 50 day mark!

yes, that says "the bells" beside the front door! adorable, no?

how do you think i will or should use this at the wedding?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

paint by pic {x}

seriously, what is there not to love about today's room? it has vaulted ceilings, a pretty drum light fixture, a tufted headboard, and a great, brass, sunburst mirror. and i haven't even mentioned the gorgeous color palette yet. this seafoamy/minty green is everywhere this spring and i completely adore how they have matched it here with neutral bedding and a patterned wallpaper in a splendid ivory and tan color. i'm literally sitting at my desk drooling over this room - okay maybe not literally, but pretty close. here's the best thing about this room: since everything else is neutral, once fall or winter rolls around and this mint color has worn out it's welcome, it's so easy to paint the one wall a new color. imagine changing one thing about a room and creating a completely different atmosphere. that's the power of paint y'all.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

chair choices

help me! i'm trying to decide what to do for my tiny living room/dining room combined! here's the scoop. our kitchen is TINY and there is no dining room so i'm creating a small corner of our living room to act as a dining room. i think a dining table is super important, especially for newlyweds. i don't want to start off our marriage by sitting on the sofa every night with dinner in our laps. (although it may happen from time to time because that's just fun.)

anyways, our seating arrangement is limited and we have a sofa already. so i need to decide to purchase two of these chairs at the top of the image below to act as dining chairs and pull them over into the living area for guests OR purchase two of the wood chairs and one comfier arm chair.

the idea of comfy dining chairs is appealing to me plus my all time fav designer chair (here) is  similar to this one. however, i love the idea of painting the wood chair a bright, fun color like these images below. i can't decide!

which route would you take? let me know in the comments below!

[chair 1, 2, 3; image 1, 2]

Friday, March 23, 2012

splendid conversation

to coordinate with yesterday's post on list making and planning, i decided to share this pretty word today, as well as these cute notebooks.

purchase these notebooks here.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

printables + planning; the perfect couple!

there are several things in life that make me happy but one constant cool-me-down, get-under-control things for me is list making. another is pretty pretty paper, but you know that about me already. so the combination of fun papers and list making is a really thrilling time. and i mean that in the most sincere way possible. here are some of my current favorite printables that keep me organized.

and of course, the wonderful printables from the Wedding Chicks that i like to use to make notebook covers and such. :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

paint by pic {ix}

gray and yellow are all the rage right now in wedding and home decor so when i found this pretty room i knew i had to make it this week's paint by pic. the yellow here is a mustard gold with two shades of gray, white trim and accent and a deep brown. it's contemporary yet unexpected. oh, and i love this shelf with frames.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Giveaway! my current favorite things

**To those that checked back yesterday, I sincerely apologize for not getting the giveaway details posted last night. Internet is a tricky thing and for some reason I couldn't access it last night to publish this post. But it is here today!**

To celebrate my new fresh look on the blog I'm hosting a giveaway! It's just gonna be a small one this time but I'm planning something a little bigger to celebrate my blogiversary in June. Wanna know what you could win?! Of course you do, but I'm gonna bore you with details first. Here's how to enter:

mandatory entry: you MUST be a follower of my blog OR twitter and you need to leave a comment on this post with how you follow me and your username. if you follow both you can enter twice! just leave two separate comments.

in addition to being a follower you can enter additional times by...

tweeting the link to this post (you must include my name @thecourt_ney in the tweet)

leaving an additional comment below stating which of the prizes you are most excited about - but don't worry, the winner will receive all the goodies; i just want to know your favorite.

the giveaway is open now and will close in two weeks on Tuesday, April 3rd at 11:59 EST.

this may seem like a random assortment but they pretty much sum up the things i love: pretty accessories, the color pink, well thought-out & green friendly products, and of course glitter. 

good luck!

Monday, March 19, 2012

weekend review

happy monday! it's about a third of the way through the day now but i've had a super busy morning and am just getting around to publishing today's post. how was everyone's weekend? it was sunny and warm in Indiana so i would call my weekend a success. friday i treated myself to a pretty pair of ikat print, gray and pink flats that i'm calling my driving shoes. super comfy and easy to slip on and out the door. saturday, in st. patty's day spirit, i chalked the tips of my hair green. that was pretty fun. i used Kandee Johnson's video tutorial that can be found here. sunday after church i finished up some wedding stuff i had started during the week including this directional sign. i can't wait to share all the DIY projects i've done for the wedding. sunday afternoon i stumbled across this gorgeous tree. the blooms are so lovely!

the best part about the weekend? i found this amazing barn ladder that i've been looking for! yay!

giveaway information is coming later today so make sure to check back!

Friday, March 16, 2012

splendid conversation + some changes

you may have noticed i've spruced up; i decided it was time for an upgrade. i've been blogging for almost two years now and it's completely changed the way i look at life. in the most splendid of ways. after i passed on the new bloggy name to the amazing Mackenzie from Collected Electic, she sent be back a slew of pretties to choose from. seriously, this girl knows me like a book because i had zero edits to her work. she even glitterified her dining table to get that dash of glitter that i so hopelessly love. {thanks so much doll!}  

to celebrate the new name and new look i will be hosting a giveaway! yay!!! details will be shared on monday, so make sure to check back.

now, for today's splendid conversation: what i wish to be...

Thursday, March 15, 2012


today i'm feeling mushy so i wanted to share my favorite photo from our engagement shoot last spring. and this jason mraz song has been on repeat on my ipod, literally. hope everyone has a wonderful day.

also, i'm making big changes to the blog today, including a new url! come back tomorrow for the transformation! xoxo

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

OOTD; casual work day

i picked up this polka dot print shirt from kohl's the other day and i decided to wear it today because it's so spring-y outside. my outfit just makes me happy so i wanted to share it. visit the polyvore set (link below) to see where you can pick up any of these items.
splendid spring

paint by pic {viii}

we're headed outdoors for today space. i'm so ready to lounge outside and feel the warm air. summer can't get here fast enough, and of course, never lasts long enough. brighten up your back patio or deck with some bold color like these.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

hunger games obsessed

in exactly nine days i'll be donning my Hunger Games inspired eye make up and getting ready for what will be an amazing film. i've been a Hunger Games fan for nearly two years now and i've been awaiting the film release since i was one chapter into the first book. last night was the premiere and i was pretty much glued to my iphone waiting for images to be released and little clips. anyways, i came across these gorgeous bracelets on etsy with the mockingjay pendant and i couldn't help but want to share them. aren't they just splendid?!

speaking of splendid... i have some exciting stuff happening hopefully this week including a new name, a new banner and other goodies. you will notice that my banner is missing. yeah, i'm pretty much tired of it. okayyyy i'm a bad liar. i actually took it down because i wanted to make sure my new banner fit properly, and forgot that the old banner was saved to a different computer. so i just left it down. i'll go bannerless for a few days.

back to the Hunger Games; here's a link to these fetching bracelets. i'm also loving these makeup tutorials by the wonderfully talented Leesha from xSparkage. and lastly, i MUST get my hands on some of these varnishes by China Glaze The Hunger Games collection. i am especially fond of fast track for an everyday color. there is a great review here.

Monday, March 12, 2012

on the look out

i've been searching and searching for the perfect LWD for the rehearsal dinner so i pulled together a polyvore board to try to focus my search. i think i'm mostly just looking for something classic and classy that is flattering. white dresses on top of a pretty, natural tan with flowing locks make me think of summer. and for my spring event i'd love to have this pair of mint heels and a gold bangle to complete the look.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

paint by pic {vii}

make a bold statement with a room like this. i love when people put themselves out there like this.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

splendid wishlist

i'm not gonna try to hide it. i have a strong desire to have "stuff". pretty things rock my world and i'm pretty much loving that the future hubby and i get to make a wishlist for all the little things we will get to share early in our marriage. everyone near us shops macy's so it was obvious to us to set up a gift registry through them. i enjoy white, glass, and interesting shapes so i think you will see a theme on my wishlist here. oh, and you really can't go wrong with a little kate spade.

elliptical bowls, decanter, glasses, cake plate.

Monday, March 5, 2012

i spy

while browsing on the decorista, i came across some pretty pretty all white rooms with chairs i'd die to have. aren't they all so fun?



Friday, March 2, 2012

boots + seuss


this weekend my girls and i will don our boots and have a little dance party with jerrod neimann. i'm super excited for our girls night.

and also, it's dr. seuss's birthday! i'm a mega seuss fan so i'll probably drag KJB to see "the lorax" which is one of my favorites. but for today, a little "oh, the places you'll go"...


splendid conversation

i have a secret i'm going to share. i love pretty words. so a little elephant shaped notebook in my purse that i write down words that make me curious in the hopes that i will incorporate them into my daily vocabulary. usually i don't but at least i'm trying. now i'm going to share the words from my elephant notebook with you splendid people. so this post is the first of a fun new series.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

another day

if you follow me on twitter (@thecourt_ney) you know that life has been a bit busy this week. it's proven by my lack of tweets. in all this busy-ness though, i've become pretty grateful that i'm blessed to be able to choose what i do day-to-day. i'm grateful that i have a support system that helps me through stressful times and i'm especially grateful for KJB who, without fail, makes me smile when i'm feeling overwhelmed. sometimes i just need to remember that life goes on. decisions will get made. and as long as i have that support system, i can peel myself up after i've been run over with the heavy work load and continue on my path.