my husband is the most patient person i know. he loves working with kids, and as much as i love kids, the Lord did not give me much patience to deal with them. in fact, he didn't give me much patience at all, for anything. i think that's why KJB and i are so perfect together. he calms me down and encourages me when i struggle. God didn't give me patience, but he did give me KJB, so that evens it out some. :)
a few months back i was struggling to be content with our apartment, even though i was desperately wanting a house. after talking about it in this post, with a few friends, and praying about it a lot, i felt the relief i was needing. we moved the furniture around, cleared out some clutter, and spruced up a bit. finally, i was content. the Lord delivered for me, releasing my heart from the weight of feeling not good enough. He gave me grace.
and now, we have entered a new season. i fear talking about it will jinx it, but i also don't really believe in that. endless prayer has guided us to house hunting and we spent much of Sunday going to open houses. i, of course, was smitten with each one and ready to place an offer on all of them after leaving.
didn't matter that one has a strange shaped yard and the house behind it has barking, unruly dogs.
didn't matter that one didn't have central air and had a problem with standing water in the yard.
didn't matter that one was way too small and there was even less closet space than our tiny apartment.
didn't matter that one wasn't even open because the realtor wasn't there even though there was supposed to be an open house.
i loved them. loved them all. but KJB, he kept me sane and pulled me back down from that cloud. even though those houses seemed great, the right one will come along. and i will enjoy this season of shopping.