Monday, October 22, 2012

shop update + a celebrity home i love

sometimes i'm so far off on estimating time, it's seriously not funny. last week in my announcement post, i shared that my new e-shop would be up and going by "the end of the week" and my goal was it have it ready to go by Sunday night. clearly, i wasn't thinking about how much time it would take to get samples made, photograph them, edit them, provide information, etc.! so my new goal is to have it done by Friday. i really want to do this right the first time, so i'd rather set back my opening date than completely screw it up. i have nearly all my samples made and photographed now, so as of right now, i'm right on track to my new deadline.


so today i wanted to share a celebrity home that i'm super in love with. Reese Witherspoon is one of my all-time favorite actresses. put her in a movie, and i'll watch it. i just love how relatable she is. and her home? well, see for yourself.

isn't that room just to die for? homey, open, fresh, and so liveable.


 what do you think of Reese's style? how would you make it more your own?

images via here