Monday, November 5, 2012

a SPLENDID SHOP giveaway

hello my lovely bloggy friends. today, i'm feeling incredibly blessed for the creative outlet i have in this little piece of the web and the awesome people i've met through blogging. so i'm hosting a giveaway from my shop! yayyyy!

one set of 10 glitter clothes pins and one soft clutch with your choice of interior fabric color.

to win:
if i'm not browsing pinterest or my favorite blogs, i love to curl up with a cup of tea and a book. what do you like to do at the end of a long day to unwind? tell me in the comments below!

*for an extra chance to win retweet this phrase,"i'm entering to win a prize from @thecourt_ney's Splendid Shop over on her blog!", then come back here and leave an additional comment.

the giveaway will end on November 12th at midnight EST. winner will be selected at random and posted later that week.