Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Here's to Y O U

Here's to you, Valentine's Day. Bringing people together to celebrate their love for one another and at the same time making others sad/angry/irritated. Whichever of the two you are, I have some tips to help you make the most of the day. For those not so thrilled with the holiday, make it all about you. Surround yourself with activity you love - whether it's a spa day pampering session, a trip to the gym, or a meal from your favorite restaurant. Go out to a movie you've been wanting to see or start the new book you've been wanting to read. Do something you love and treat yourself. Or use today to love on others. Volunteer at a food pantry, tutor young readers, or spend time entertaining a few seniors at a nursing home. Any of these people would appreciate the extra attention.

If you're looking forward to celebrating the holiday with your partner, surprise them with a little goody- breakfast in bed, a sweet note, or a homemade dessert. Don't feel the need to spend mass amounts of money or make a huge gesture. Small, simple things can express love just as much.

Try one of these recipes for a sweet treat. Do you prefer cold or hot beverages? Lucky for you I found a great option for each! Visit the links below for the full recipes.

Pink Velvet Hot Chocolate

Cupid Float