Dear Courtney,
It’s your sweet sixteen! This is a going to be a great year
for you. I want you to know that I’m proud of the woman you are becoming.
Growing up is hard, high school is hard, but you’re tackling it like a pro.
There are a few things I want you to know, not so you can change things, but
just to ease you. I want you to feel eased because you don’t feel that enough.
First, your hair is out of control. You know it, and I know
it. But when I look at you, it’s not all I see. It’s not so incredibly massive
that it’s outrageous. And in a few years, you will discover something to
control it and your hair will become your favorite thing about you. So just
hold in there.
Speaking of appearance, you look great. No, you may not be
all toned up like those volleyball players you envy, but you still look
amazing. In fact, I envy you now. A bit of advice: keep dancing every night
before bed. Dancing makes you happy and when you’re happy, you look even more
You are doing a lot of things right, including being a great
friend. These next few years you will go through a lot of changes and your
introvert-self will blossom a bit. Stay true to who you are and take advantage
of those social moments. Life becomes more and more difficult as you get older
(don’t stress out, but sorry, it does), and your social calendar becomes less
of a priority. Cling to them while you can.
Being an introvert causes you to hold back a lot of things
that you are passionate about. Don’t let it. Be confident in the things you put
your time into. As a part of the publications staff, you are going to have some
opportunities and you need to take them. Don’t be afraid to volunteer for
something because it will help you learn.
There is a creative side of you (you dance choreographer you!)
that is bursting to be freed. Taking those opportunities like I mentioned will
unlock that door. Let the ideas flow, pretty lady. The whole world is possible.
I know you have a lot going on, but it wouldn’t hurt to
spend some time with your siblings. This may sound crazy but you could even
invite them along when you hang out with friends. They love you and look up to
And lastly, your anxieties of finding a guy that likes you
back – girl, let them wash away. It will happen.
Cherish the time you spend with your family and friends,
work hard on your school work, and love yourself. These are the three things
I’m requiring you to do as a teenager. Because I remember you very well and I
know you need these things. Just keep swimming. (No, I didn’t invent this
little quote, but you’ll start saying it a lot in about a year.)
Your 27-year-old-self