This past weekend I spent a lot of downtime on pinterest. Having that little time-waster on my phone is seriously the best thing ever/worst thing ever at the exact same time. Kjb actually told me to stop pinning one night which I thought was hilarious/horrible that he even knew what pinning was. Anyway, my weekend was insane in the membrane and included decorating at church for our 75th anniversary dinner, purchasing wedding bands (EEEEEE!!!!!; that's a squeal of excitement), a dress fitting for Molly's wedding, a wedding, a wedding planning sesh with a bff while the boys watched Bama/LSU, a family lunch, checking in a work sporadically, and a mini project that has become beyond mini for the FMIL. It's all great fun though and my little pinterest app was there beside me in the spare moments. Here are some of my favorites I came across. Make sure to check out my pinterest here for more super-fun-time-wasting-bits-of-prettiness.